
Our team coaching programs are tailored to our clients’ individual needs and vary substantially from team to team. However, the platform for all programs is a consistent and proven successful process in eight steps:

  1. Clarify the team’s challenges against the background of vision, strategy, values and key performance indicators the team is operating with
  2. Gain individual feedback from the team members to identify personal perspectives and to create buy-in and readiness
  3. TeamInsights –a perception inventory based on face-to-face interviews with relevant stakeholders to assess the team’s effectiveness and to identify team improvement opportunities
  4. Kick-off with the entire team to share and consolidate expectations and to define goals, evaluation metrics and intervention milestones
  5. Regular team coaching sessions, each one focusing on taking different perspectives, identifying resources and solving problems.
  6. Tracking and evaluation of progress at established milestones
  7. Closure – final evaluation and agreement on next steps
  8. Ex-post assessment (3-6 months after closure) – e.g. based on TeamInsights. It is also suitable as a continuous systematic tracking tool for long-term team development.